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5 мин. 3 сек.Юмор, развлечения видео добавлено: 12 июня. Who likes girl fails? Who likes boat fails? If you raised your hand you're in luck. We've compiled all our best and funniest fails involving both together in one epic fail compilation. Let us know your thoughts in the comments and Salute! Click to SUBSCRIBE for more awesome Fails! ? Submit a Video ? Click to get Fail Army Gear! ? Like us on Facebook! ? Follow us on Twitter! ? Instagram?
Tumblr? Pinterest? FailArmy is the worldwide leader in funny fail videos and compilations. FailArmy releases “fails of the week,” funny pranks, girls fails and compilations featuring all of the web's best fails. Join the global FailArmy Nation. Leave a comment on any fail video and start meeting your fellow FailArmy soldiers. Subscribe to the FailArmy YouTube channel for the ultimate fail videos!