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Valeriy Meladze - White birds Музыка, выступления видео добавлено: 29 сентября. BIO: Valery meldaze - one of the most popular artists and Honored Artist of Russia, more than 25 years in show business. He has a great voice and a range of rare timbre. Valery Meladze is working closely with his brother - Kontsantinom who wrote songs for him. This union can be called one of the strongest on the Russian stage. Valeriy Meladze playlist Lyrics: Behold, I stand before you; - Eyes look drunk. Another you and I the other; and in the same amount. And you're going at a measured pace, on all four sides; And you, my soul, singing and crying equally. Chorus: We are with you just migratory birds - White birds - give me an answer: What in me again The last war, there is no peace? Come with me somewhere - roads, open spaces. Let's go look for short the way; where happiness soon. Behold, I stand before you; - Eyes look drunk. Another you and I the other; and thought the same. Chorus: We are with you just migratory birds - White birds - give me an answer: What in me again The last war, there is no peace? We are with you just migratory birds - White birds - give me an answer: What in me again The last war, there is no peace? We are with you just migratory birds - White birds - give me an answer: What in me again The last war, there is no peace? What in me again The last war, there is no peace? - - - © 2015 Valeriy Meladze
 Рустам - Уходи / ELLO UP^ / |  Маш Квин - Dance-Dance / ПРЕМЬЕРА |  Настя Любимова - Fantasy / ПРЕМЬЕРА ПЕСНИ |  MILANIA - Made Of Steel / ПРЕМЬЕРА |
 Алексей Дмитриенко - Мы Пара / ELLO UP^ / |  IvOl'ga - Земля / ELLO UP^ / |  Виолетта Безкоровайная - Мамине сонечко / ELLO UP^ |  Севара и Вячеслав Бутусов - Письма / ПРЕМЬЕРА |  AlexNo - Осень / ПРЕМЬЕРА ПЕСНИ |
 Stereotape - Magic Colors / ПРЕМЬЕРА |  Alena Grand - Пополам / ПРЕМЬЕРА |  Стеи?сон - Бездельник / ELLO UP^ / |  Denis Davydov x DJ Beatstone - Больше секса / ПРЕМ |  Lora Superfin - Не говори мне прощай / ТИЗЕР |
 Руслан - Пусть... / ELLO UP^ / |  Марта - Даже если ты... / ПРЕМЬЕРА |  FAB X - All that Matters (feat. Lion Kri) / ELLO U |  NOVO - Не надо париться / ТИЗЕР |  УлиЦа ПраВды - Привет / ELLO UP^ / |