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Valeriy Meladze feat. Valeriya - Don't lose me4 мин. 43 сек. Музыка, выступления видео добавлено: 30 сентября. BIO: Valery meldaze - one of the most popular artists and Honored Artist of Russia, more than 25 years in show business. He has a great voice and a range of rare timbre. Valery Meladze is working closely with his brother - Kontsantinom who wrote songs for him. This union can be called one of the strongest on the Russian stage. Valeriy Meladze playlist Lyrics: It remains only a distant echo,
And we're like two echo
Unsaid words, unfulfilled dreams.
What a pity that you did not come
And I do not go on pinstriped
This trail was leading me. I think I no longer believe
And not looking at you inevitability.
I just live for today.
A little before the time of jealousy,
A bit belated tenderness,
Like a vicious circle, and we're in it. Chorus:
Do not give up if you can, you bring back
And just do not lose me,
do not lose me.
We do not know our destinies, but let all the people we love -
Heaven store, only you do not lose me. You do not lose ... And rained broken glass,
And the wind carried the echoes
Unsaid words, unfulfilled dreams. My soul is in your hands warm
It becomes pliable wax
And a vicious circle, and again we are in it. Chorus:
Do not give up if you can, you bring back
And just do not lose me,
do not lose me.
We do not know our destinies, but let all the people we love -
Heaven store, only you do not lose me.
Let's Rock, like a pendulum, life
Up to the brim, and we hurry.
And do not wait another day.
Do not lose me! Chorus:
Do not give up if you can, you bring back
And just do not lose me,
do not lose me.
We do not know our destinies, but let all the people we love -
Heaven store, only you do not lose me. You do not lose me ... - - - © 2015 Valeriy Meladze
 Алексей Дмитриенко - Мы Пара / ELLO UP^ / |  IvOl'ga - Земля / ELLO UP^ / |  Виолетта Безкоровайная - Мамине сонечко / ELLO UP^ |  Севара и Вячеслав Бутусов - Письма / ПРЕМЬЕРА |
 keipa - Там, где жизнь / ELLO UP^ / |  Маринесса - В трамвае / ELLO UP^ / |  Наташа Корс - Зажигай / ПРЕМЬЕРА ПЕСНИ |  Ю.L.А - Где Ты? / ELLO UP^ / |  Valeriy Meladze - White birds |
 Руслан - Пусть... / ELLO UP^ / |  Марта - Даже если ты... / ПРЕМЬЕРА |  FAB X - All that Matters (feat. Lion Kri) / ELLO U |  NOVO - Не надо париться / ТИЗЕР |  УлиЦа ПраВды - Привет / ELLO UP^ / |
 INSHI - Мне не нужно курить траву / ELLO UP^ / |  Феликс Шиндер и Деньги Вперед - Фонарики / ПРЕМЬЕР |  Рина Риал - Мне лететь бы / ELLO UP^ / |  Робот Рок -- Твори - живи / ELLO UP^ / |  Кирилл Коперник - Выше слов / ПРЕМЬЕРА |