Юмор, развлечения Кино, ТВ, телешоу Аварии, катастрофы, драки Музыка, выступления Мультфильмы Спорт Технологии, наука Авто, мото Рекламные ролики Природа, животные Игры Новости, политика Друзья, вечеринки Искусство, творчество Видеооткрытки, видеоблоги Семья, дом, дети Праздники, торжества Путешествия, страны, города Разное

VIA Gra - There isn't anything worse that3 мин. 52 сек. Музыка, выступления видео добавлено: 2 октября. BIO: In the entire history of the band for 13 years, it is constantly changing, which could monitor not only the fate of artists, but also sociological, stylistic and technological trends and changes in the entertainment business. The band became a kind of school of life for many of its participants. From the walls of the school were such well-known singer, actress and TV presenter, Vera Brezhnev, Anna Sedokova Albina Dzhanabaeva, Svetlana Loboda, Hope Granovsky, Alain Vinnytsia and others. And as it is now rapidly changing society neither, nor multiplied to trends, the group "VIA GRA" among women's teams are always №1. Playlist: Lyrics: Doubtless you are good guy
Upright and average.
I always forget your name. You are all right: pulse, pressure
You have assume the aspect and moral make-up
And no one mistake of childhood: school then institute And no one defend sign
To you anymore. Good evening, our TV-show starts Obedience isn't my thing.
I go on opposing motion
There isn't anything better that mismatch
There isn't anything worse that be the same with everyone. They go together as soldiers
They go as finished product of mother
They go, grew up as mushrooms
Show starts, turn TV on and love them You was born in one of factory
You was cloned in lab
You edited to cinema by director. You are maked up and cloned
Everybody musts love you now
But I always forget your name And no one defend sign
To you anymore. Good evening, our TV-show starts Obedience isn't my thing.
I go on opposing motion
There isn't anything better that mismatch
There isn't anything worse that be the same with everyone. Before power of screen aren't obstacle
Welcome to show "Attack of Clones"
Sit down, be in time as sheep
And eat everything that take from screen
How it sweet and easy - Mussy-pussy, luli-luli!
In one moment inflated all empty heads.
They come they go
There where camshaft is waiting for you - - - © 2015 Velvet Music
 AGHIAZMA - 64389000 / ELLO UP^ / |  Сылу - Бэхетле буласым килэ / ELLO World / |  Ted-Story - Sorrow / ELLO UP^ / |  Таша Белая - Стервой зовут / ПРЕМЬЕРА |
 Yin-Yang - Karma |  Yin-Yang - Save me |  Yin-Yang - Kamikaze |  Yin-Yang - I don't give a damn |  Тримайся За - Розпалюй / ELLO UP^ / |
 Zombie Killers - FLY / ELLO UP^ / |  Valeriy Meladze feat. VIA GRA - Ocean And Three Ri |  Leva Future - Super Model / ПРЕМЬЕРА ПЕСНИ |  Yin-Yang - Extraterrestrial |  Valeriy Meladze feat. VIA GRA - There's No Attract |
 Arina Domski - Nessun Dorma / ПРЕМЬЕРА |  Шура Кузнецова - Вспоминай и Вдыхай / ПРЕМЬЕРА |  VIA Gra - Anti-Geisha |  Stan Gemes - Воля (Human Pride) |  Алекс Подзоров & Артур Хельд - Больше Шума! / ELLO |